Eye signals are simple to obtain, respond quickly to stress and cognitive load (lying), and cannot be controlled or manipulated. Therefore, they could be a great lie and deception indicator.
Eye-Minder's technology was developed based on these solid scientific findings by a multidisciplinary expert team with a proven track record.
Eye signals are complex signals. Thus, extracting and using the required information from them is a significant challenge. We managed to crack this challenge based on an innovative approach and years of experience.
Examples of Relevant Studies:
The Index of Cognitive Activity: Measuring Cognitive Workload
Scientific Human Factors Meeting Scottsdale Arizona (2002)
Sandra P. Marshall
Eye-Opener: Why Do Pupils Dilate in Response to Emotional States?
Scientific American (2012)
Joss Fong
The Relationship between Baseline Pupil Size and Intelligence
Cogn Psychol (2016)
Tsukahara JS1, Harrison TL2, Engle RW2
Pupillary Motility: Bringing Neuroscience to the Psychiatry Clinic of the Future
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (2013)
Simona Graur, M.S.W. and Greg Siegle, Ph.D.
Pupil Size Reflects Successful Encoding and Recall of Memory in Humans
Scientific Reports (2018)
Michal T. Kucewicz, Jaromir Dolezal, Vaclav Kremen, Brent M. Berry,
Laura R. Miller, Abigail L. Magee, Vratislav Fabian & Gregory Worrell